Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Fiction Writing Contest for 2-Year College Students!

Attention all community college students and lovers of literature, there could be some cash around the corner for you! Put that pen to paper (or digits to keyboard) and let the genius flow...

The Norman Mailer Writers Colony and the National Council of Teachers of English are pleased to announce that  we are now accepting submissions for the 2012 Norman Mailer College Writing Awards.  This year's category is Fiction.

There are three competitions open to college students:

The Two-Year College Writing Award Competition is open to first and second-year full-time students enrolled in community colleges, junior colleges, and technical colleges. Maximum length of entry is 15 single-spaced pages. Winner will receive the following:

• Cash award of $5,000
• Travel and lodging* to attend the Colony’s National Award Ceremony
The Four-Year College Writing Award Competition is open to current full-time undergraduate students. Maximum length of entry is 15 single-spaced pages. Winner will receive the following:
• Cash award of $10,000
• Scholarship to the Norman Mailer Writers Colony during the summer of 2013 • Travel and lodging* to attend the Colony’s National Award Ceremony Students may submit one or more stories (within the page limits) or a self-contained section of a longer work (for example, from a novel).
Submissions may be "conventional" or "experimental" and may represent any fiction tradition. However, the best work will demonstrate compelling literary merit.
NEW! The Poetry Award is open to full-time students enrolled in four-year colleges, two-year colleges, junior colleges, and technical colleges. Students may submit one or more poems, to a maximum of 10 pages. The winner will receive:
• Cash award of $5,000
• Travel and lodging* to attend the Colony’s National Award Ceremony Entries for all three awards will be accepted until April 30, 2012, Noon CDT.  For more information, or to enter, visit:

Teachers, please feel free to pass this on to your colleagues or students who might be interested in this exciting award.  If you have questions, please email

Good luck and happy writing, everyone! For great examples of classic fiction, read here.