Monday, June 27, 2011

Macbeth Results & Terrific New Teaching Tool


Thought I'd update with some news about the final results of the Macbeth papers from my English 2 students based on the Gleeditions version of the text. By and large results were overwhelmingly positive; I was very pleased with the ideas and higher order thinking displayed in both the final papers, and on the close reading of passages required on the final exam. According to the new Bloom's Taxonomy, creation is the highest level--meaning that students are beyond summarizing, synthesizing, and evaluating, and are able to create their own new meaning based on sound reasoning and informed judgment. Clearly students got to that point and I do credit the online, interactive text with helping to facilitate that level of comprehension. I think that whatever we can do to get students beyond the basic struggle with Shakespeare's language and plot points, the better. It means that they can then truly engage with the text (not a summary of it or a dumbed down/modern English version like Sparknotes or Cliffnotes provide), and add their own insight. I would not hesitate to teach with this text again, and in fact will look for many other ways to utilize it both in- and outside the classroom. Next time I'll post some excerpts from their feedback about the experience, but first I wanted to highlight another really cool technological tool that can help all of us teachers, I think.

Have you heard of the Google Art Project? It's a virtual tour of many of the world's great museums, completely interactive and amazing. This is something teachers could show in class and then have students explore on their own, creating research projects on the paintings or artists themselves. One of the creators gave a brief overview at TED. Check it out and let me know how you think you might be able to use this in the classroom. I'd love to get ideas from everyone because I'd love to use this soon myself!

Happy summer and either happy vacation or summer term, everyone!

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